Jesus is everything!

God put you on this planet on purpose. His purpose is for you to know Him. Really know Him, personally and deeply. But we are all sinners. That sin separates us from a real relationship with Holy God. And we can’t fix our own sin problem. We are cut off from God. But God, in His love, has done something for us we can’t do for ourselves. He made the only way. Jesus came and lived a perfect, sinless life. He willingly laid down His life and died on the cross to pay for our sins. He paid for them in full when He rose from the dead on the third day. He lives today and anyone who will receive Jesus into their life by repentance and faith will have their sins forgiven, be reconciled to God and given eternal life. That is the only way we can know God and have the real relationship with Him that we were created for. Would you turn your life over to Jesus right now? Talk to God about this.


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